
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 46-47.

• 教学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


瑞米·芬奇   教授   

  1. 国立阿尔勒摄影学院 法国 999019
  • 出版日期:2016-01-20 发布日期:2019-10-18

A Study on the Discpline Construction of Photography

Remi Vinci Professor   

  1. Ecole Nationale de la Photographie d’Arles France 999019
  • Online:2016-01-20 Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 成立于1982年的国立阿尔勒摄影学院 坐落于法国南部一个小城镇。这个城镇每年都会举办世界闻名的阿尔勒摄影展。这个摄影展存有世界各地高水平摄影师的一幅幅传世名作,给阿尔勒摄影学院传递一个主题——照片是摄影师的语言。拍摄的照片要具有转化为艺术作品的眼光和能力。从1982年阿尔勒摄影学院建校开始,就秉承着十分严格的学生选拔体系,筛选出有一定天赋或造诣的学生,为今后高质量的教学提供了保障。学生在校期间,除了要接受严格的历史学习和技术学习外,经常与世界各地的院校交流并到当地采风,这对于成就一个摄影师来讲是至关重要。学校的教师,更多的是来自于社会的知名摄影师、艺术家和学者。学校除了有实力的师资外,还具备整个法国最全面的摄影专业图书馆,它是目前欧洲唯一一个能拿到博士文凭的摄影专业学校。

关键词: 阿尔勒摄影节, 国家文化, 跨界交互, 现代摄影态度

Abstract: L’ école nationale supérieure de la photographie, founded in 1982, is situated at a small town at the south of France, where the famous ArlesInternational Photography Festival is held every year. In this Festival, world-class photographic works are showcased to express a message: photos are the language of photographers. It is important to have the insight of making a masterpiece out of a photographic work. Since the school was founded in 1982, it has kept its tradition of strict standards in terms of application, to select the most gifted students and ensure a high-quality education. Students there have the opportunity to visit schools around the world apart from routine study, which is important in nurting a photographer. The school has 7 full-time professors, and more teachers are well-known photographers, artists and scholars in the society. It is so far the only one school of photography that can grant a doctor’s degree.

Key words: Arles International Photography Festival, national culture, cross-over interaction, modern photography attitude