
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 42-45.

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


汪天云   教授   

  1. 上海视觉艺术学院 上海 201620
  • 出版日期:2016-01-20 发布日期:2019-10-18

The lntrospection of Cultural Creative lndustrybewteen China and America

Prof. Wang Tianyun   

  1. Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Shanghai 201620
  • Online:2016-01-20 Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 美国作为一个移民国家的开放性是与生俱来的,而开放的必然产物就是多元文化的交叉、复合与集成创新,优胜劣汰。对比中美文化,由于我国封建王朝持续时间长达二千多年,传统文化较闭塞,西方文化冲击引发了我们对传统文化的传承与吸取西方文化精髓的思考。目前北京文化创新,上海文化创意走在全国的前列,发展迅速,使文化创意产业受众群体得到广泛性的认同,因而具有较大的发展空间,同时又能使高新科技与文化融为一体。

关键词: 中国文化的特质, 中国文创产业, 广泛性, 中美文化创意比较, 美国文化的兼容、开放

Abstract: Openness comes hand in hand with immigration upon the country’s founding. Ever since then, the country has never failed to be the playing ground of cultural diversity. A comparison between Chinese and American culture shows how desperate China is when it comes to integrating American culture with her own, whose seclusion was interrupted by a sudden shock from the outside world. Currently, Beijing and Shanghai are leading the way in cultural creativity. Both cities are left with ample room for progress on the part of the industry as well as of the integration of it with high-tech considering that they have large populace that identifies themselves with the cultural industry.

Key words: Characteristics of Chinese Culture, China’s Cultural and Creative Indus-try, Comprehensiveness, Comparison between Chinese and American Cultural Crea-tivity, Compatibility and Openness of American Culture