
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 54-55.

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2019-10-18
  • 作者简介:黄煜:香港浸会大学协理副校长

Art Design - Persistence in Culture

Huang Yu   

  • Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 艺术设计的教育之路不是纯粹的艺术和技术之路,而是一种文化守望之路,是有思想、有文化的头脑型人才的培养之路。我们认为只有打下学生扎实宽阔的知识基础,无论是传统文化知识,还是地域文化理念,无论从古至今的艺术设计操作,还是超现实主义设计师的另类作品,都可以取其文化中的精华。我们要在优秀作品中学会思考,才能以不变应万变,把握了艺术设计教育的本质,这种不变的文化坚守态度,最直观的体现就在我们的课程结构布局中。

关键词: 艺术, 技术, 文化守望, 课程结构, 开拓思维, 内心需求

Abstract: Education of Art Design is not simply about art and techniques, but also about persistence, and cultivation of talent with vision and wisdom. We believe that the students should have a solid knowledge foundation, of traditional culture, and of cultures in different regions. And students should learn from art designs in different times, and from not so common works by surrealist designers alike. Only when we learn to think for ourselves when appreciating the masterpieces can we cope with the constantly changing situations, and grasp the essence of art design education. This persistence in culture lies, most obviously, in our course structure design.

Key words: Art, Technique, Persistence in Culture, Course Structure, Pioneer Thinking, Desires