
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 43-48.

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2019-10-18
  • 作者简介:胡介鸣:上海视觉艺术学院 美术学院学术委员会主任 副教授

The Reproduced Views — A Third Eye

Hu Jieming   

  • Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 异化、转换和搅合是我在思辨和实践中较为常用的手段,为了在创作实践中有突破性的发现,最为常用的方式是将作为他者的客体进行异化转换,或是与主题进行搅合产生一个新的他者。从这个角度看,艺术创作的本质是产生一个新的他者。在我的理解中,只有经过不断反刍的图景信息才能够列入有价值的图景行列,或者说可以被关注和探讨的图景不属于单纯的客观图景,它们是经过主观反复整合的观念化了的图景,如本雅明所称的那种被灵光所环绕的图景,与日常生活和客观景致有一定距离的视像,一个被点化了的景观,被附体的视觉感知,简言之,是一个思想意识的载体。这个思想载体的属性不是固定静止的,它始终处于运动的状态。

关键词: 技术, 异化, 转换, 合搅, 观察, 体悟, 选择, 误读, 虚构

Abstract: Dissimilation, transformation and blending are common in my observations and practice. In order to make breakthroughs, the most commonly used methods are to dissimilate or transform the object, or to blend different objects in order to create a new one. The essence of art creation is to produce a brand new object, viewed from this aspect. From my understanding, only pictures that have been re-considered and re-produced are valuable. Or, in other words, views that have aroused our attention and discussions are not merely views; instead, they are views that have combined subjective feelings. For example, Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin believes that the views surrounded by miraculous brightness are different from our daily life and are not objective views; instead, they are dotted views and living visual perceptions. In short, they are ideological. They are not still, but always evolving.

Key words: Technology, Dissimilation, Transformation, Blending, Observation, Viewer’s Experience, Choice, Misinterpreting, Fiction