
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 105-115.

• 国际艺术院校视窗 • 上一篇    


西蒙米哈伊洛夫斯基   教授   

  1. 俄罗斯列宾美术学院 俄罗斯 999081
  • 出版日期:2016-01-20 发布日期:2019-10-18

Heritage of Classics

Semen Mikhaylovskiy Professor   

  1. St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts Russia 999081
  • Online:2016-01-20 Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 中国在艺术领域发生了许多积极的改变,不仅体现在艺术院校数量增多,更体现在人们对于艺术态度发生积极变化。无论时代如何改变,艺术流派如何变化和发展,列宾美院始终保留传统留下来的流派,这对我们整个艺术发展是非常有好处的。当今社会有各种展览展会,有出售艺术作品,有艺术被购买、被消费。艺术类毕业生毕业以后,会和市场有联系,而且会走一些商业化路线。艺术学院的使命是教育他们,让他们尽可能在一些古典路上多走些路。我们的任务是教化、启蒙。就像当时18世纪中期法国艺术家来到圣彼得堡,帮我们建造这样一个艺术学院,我们也保留了他们的传统。我们希望把部分传统流派转交给了中国的艺术家。

关键词: 意识形态, 艺术态度, 古典主义, 流派, 传承

Abstract: Many positive changes have taken place in the art industry in China, not only in terms of the increase of number of art schools, but also in the positive change of people’s attitudes. However the times have changed, or art genres have developed, Repin Academy of Fine Arts has always believed that it is beneficial to keep all the traditional art genres. All kinds of exhibitions in the society are selling art works, and art is being purchased and consumed. Graduates from art schools will be connected to the market and get in contact with business, so the mission of art school is to guide them in the way of classics, as farther as possible. Our mission is to educate and enlighten them, like what the French artists did in the mid of 18th century: they came to Saint Peter’s Burg and help us build Repin Academy of Fine Arts. We have kept their heritage, and we hope to inherit part of the tradition to Chinese artists.

Key words: ideology, art attitude, classicism, heritage