
上海视觉 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 81-85.

• 艺术实践 • 上一篇    下一篇


王渊副   教授   

  1. 上海视觉艺术学院 上海 201620
  • 出版日期:2016-01-20 发布日期:2019-10-18

Analysis on fundamental qualities for children’s apparel designers

Yuan Wang Associate Professor   

  1. Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Shanghai 201620
  • Online:2016-01-20 Published:2019-10-18

摘要: 童装市场的整体现状赋予了设计师较大的发展空间,童装设计师的必备基础素质:技能素质、心理素质。技能素质即:拥有一定的美术基础、掌握童装相关知识、并具有对时尚的敏感度及一定审美能力。技能素质是基础,设计师把握童装色彩、面料、结构、工艺、营销乃至儿童生理等各项指标,能表达出自己的设计意图,并将时尚元素很好的运用到自己的设计中。心理素质则是为童心、爱心、耐心、贴心、恒心五个方面,针对儿童的喜好、特点设计各种儿童服装细节,才能真正成为童装设计师。

关键词: 童装, 设计师, 技能, 心理, 素质

Abstract: The current status of children’s apparel market in china provides huge space for designers’ development. The fundamental requirements of children’s apparel designer can be categorized into 2 areas including technique quality and psychological quality.Technique quality means the knowledge relevant with children’s apparel,basis for fine arts,sensitivity to fashion and aethestic ability. The technique quality is the base, by which designers understand indicators of children’s apparel including color, materials, structure, craftwork, marketing and kid’s physiology. Technique quality gives the designers the ability to apply fashion factors into their designs. Psychological quality could be understood as childishness, love, patience, intimacy and perseverance. It is necessary for an excellent children’s apparel designer to fully understand kid’s preference and characteristics and eventually work out fine apparel details.

Key words: children’s apparel, designer, psychological, technique, quality