
上海视觉 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 41-47.

• 理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李晓, 单海兰, 马金辉, 程甘霖, 张潇娟   

  1. 西安美术学院,西安 710000
    敦煌研究院美术研究所,甘肃 736200
  • 出版日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-07-10
  • 作者简介:李晓(1991 — ),女,西安美术学院博士在读。主要研究方向为丝绸之路美术史研究。
    单海兰(1978 — ),女,西安美术学院博士在读。现为西安美术学院副教授。主要研究方向为中西美术史研究。
    马金辉(1990 — ),男,西安美术学院博士在读。现为敦煌研究院馆员。主要研究方向为敦煌壁画临摹与研究。
    程甘霖(1979 — ),女,西安美术学院博士在读。西安美术学院副教授。主要研究方向为艺术设计研究。
    张潇娟(1978 — ),女,西安美术学院博士在读。西安美术学院副教授。主要研究方向为工艺美术设计研究。
  • 基金资助:

A Study on the Artistic Origins and Development of “Wood Grain” of the Brocades in the Astana Tombs of Turpan

LI Xiao, SHAN Hailan, MA JinHui, CHENG Ganlin, ZHANG Xiaojuan   

  • Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-07-10



关键词: 吐鲁番, “树纹”织锦, 艺术源流, 两河流域, 宗教哲理


Several brocades with wood grain dating from the Northern Dynasties to the early Tang Dynasty were discovered in the Astana tombs of Turpan, Xinjiang. The origin of these intricate patterns has yet to be conclusively determined by the academic community. This article primarily relies on archaeological findings and visual representations, supplemented by documentary sources, to analyze the stylistic features of “wood grain”, attempting to interpret their decorative meanings and trace their artistic origins and development. It is found that in the Mesopotamian region, the significance of the Tree of Life motif in the context of imperial ideology is primarily manifested in royal attire, jewelry, official seals, as well as murals and palace sculptures. The “wood grain” in Turpan, on the other hand, features ornamentation with animal or human figures, which has a strong connection to the Mesopotamian motif. This research suggests that this artistic theme originated in the Mesopotamian region and later spread to the Scythian art of the North. After being assimilated and reimagined by the Scythian people, it was further influenced and transmitted by Persian culture before ultimately becoming integrated into Chinese art. During the early Tang Dynasty, this artistic style reached its zenith. The discovered textiles with interlinked floral patterns and tree motifs provide evidence of this view, particularly the “three-petal” and “seven-petal” wood grain decorations, which maintain traditional symbolic significance while containing rich religious and philosophical connotations.

Key words: Turpan, brocades with “wood grain”, artistic origins and development, Mesopotamian region, religious philosophy