
上海视觉 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 28-32.

• 艺术批评 • 上一篇    下一篇


路宏, 黄菁菁   

  1. 上海海事大学,上海200120
  • 出版日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-09-27
  • 作者简介:路宏(1968— ),男,上海大学上海美术学院硕士,上海海事大学副教授。研究方向为美术学(油画)。
    黄菁菁(1987— ),女,上海大学上海美术学院博士,上海海事大学讲师。研究方向为美术学(油画)。

The Anti-aesthetic Expression of Contemporary Western Figurative Painting

LU Hong, HUANG Jingjing   

  • Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-09-27



关键词: 当代, 西方具象绘画, 反“唯美”, 弗洛伊德


In Western traditional painting, the perfect form of composition and superb technique are regarded as the epitome of beauty. However, contemporary figurative painting presents the characteristics of anti-aesthetics. it presents the characteristics of anti-aesthetics. Many artists have abandoned the pursuit of external beauty through form and technique, instead pursuing an inner beauty. Freud is a typical representative of this trend. His oil paintings of human body no longer pursue aesthetic appeal but rather use large brushes and direct strokes to create solid and thick forms. By distorting, exaggerating, and deforming the physical body, he reveals the true soul, the pathology, depression, and absurdity of the human soul, which constitute the anti-aesthetic characteristics of contemporary figurative painting. Freud has provided a new aesthetic approach for Western contemporary oil painting through his own art.

Key words: contemporary, Western figurative painting, anti-aesthetic, Lucian Freud