
上海视觉 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 14-21.

• 文明互鉴与文化自信研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨位俭, 李玥融   

  1. 上海师范大学,上海200233; 上海戏剧学院,上海200040
  • 出版日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-09-27
  • 作者简介:杨位俭(1972— ),男,毕业于上海大学,博士。上海大学中文系教授,上海大学现代人文研究中心主任,上海大学—根特大学一战联合研究中心中方负责人。主要从事中国现当代文学、现代思想与文化研究。
    李玥融(1999— ),女,复旦大学中文系中国现当代文学专业博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Carving “Civilization”: The Traditional Implications of Trench Art by Chinese Laborers in World War I

YANG Weijian, LI Yuerong   

  • Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-09-27


“一战”赴欧华工在做工之余,曾制作了相当数量的战壕艺术品(Trench Art),因其特有的东方风格而受到欧洲人的喜爱,它们以馈赠礼品或艺术商品方式流入欧洲家庭和当地社会。区别于欧洲战壕艺术多为纪念战争标志性事件而制作的特点,华工战壕艺术作品更多采用中国古典符号和民间元素,如吉祥纹、古诗词、神话传说中的人物形象以及龙图腾等,在跨文化语境中,体现了东方文明对战争之物独特的雕刻与重塑,凝结了和合、贵生的中国传统文化意蕴。

关键词: “一战”华工, 战壕艺术, 和合, 贵生


Chinese laborers (CLC) who went to Europe in World War I produced a considerable number of trench art pieces during their breaks. Chinese trench art was loved by Europeans due to its unique Eastern style, flowed into European families and local societies as gifts or artistic goods. Unlike European trench art, which often serves as a symbolic production of war commemoration, Chinese laborers trench art adopts more Chinese classical symbols and folk elements, such as auspicious patterns, ancient poetry, mythological figures, and dragon totems. In a cross-cultural context, it reflects the unique carving and reshaping of war objects by Chinese civilization, condensing its traditional cultural spirit of harmony and auspiciousness.

Key words: Chinese laborers in World War I, Trench Art, peace and harmony, auspiciousness and life