SHANGHAI VISION ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 42-44.

• Teaching Exploration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

How to Use Environmental Factors to Improve the Effectiveness of Art and Design Education:Take the School of Art and Design of Yunnan Technology and Business College as an example

ZHANG Weiwei, ZHANG Yi, GUO Yuliang   

  • Online:2023-01-20 Published:2023-09-12


With the rapid development of the social economy, education, like other industries, needs to keep pace with the times. Continuously improving the quality of teaching is the unswerving goal of education. There are many ways and means to improve the quality of teaching. Traditional concepts focus more on teaching and learning, and less attention is paid to the unique element of the environment in the teaching mediation. Taking the School of Art and Design of Yunnan Technology and Business University as an example, this paper systematically and comprehensively explains how the school carries out relevant teaching reform practices through external environment, internal environment, physical environment, psychological environment, etc., and finally achieves the overall improvement of its teaching effectiveness, so as to explore a new path for art and design teaching reform.

Key words: art design, teaching environment, teaching effectiveness