SHANGHAI VISION ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 45-51.

• Teaching Exploration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Creativity Empowerment, Art and Literature Blending: The Construction, Teaching and Review of “Creative Reading and Writing” Course

XIE Haiquan   

  • Online:2023-01-20 Published:2023-09-12


In order to develop the innovative education of art college, the “Creative Reading and Writing” course is established, aiming to lead students to read out the creativity of works and write their own original ideas, so as to meet the needs of leaning and developing in “the era of innovation. The school-based experimental textbook Introduction to Art and Literature is carefully designed to take the teaching path of “Bridge of Literature” to enter “Garden of Art”, using a variety of examples of the integration of art and literature to carry out “creative reading” and “creative writing” activities, which can generate smart ideas and inspire students. Teachers feel comfortable and their wisdom are freely brought into full play in the classroom only when a careful study and elaborate preparations are conducted before and after class. To sort out the textual traces of the words “art” and “vision” and to understand the semantic development, it is necessary to practice the localization of the creative reading and writing course. Past experiences should be reviewed and summarized in an earnest manner, so as to put wonderful, original, vivid and practical features in a prominent position.

Key words: creative reading and writing, integration of art and literature, inspiration and empowerment, novelty and originality, pragmatic and practical