SHANGHAI VISION ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 86-91.

• Theoretical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Universality and Individuality: A Discussion on Constructing an Aesthetic Discourse System for Chinese Culture and Art

LIU Zhihong, HU Guangze   

  • Online:2023-01-20 Published:2023-09-12
  • Contact: HU Guangze


Different cultural systems of China and the West determine different modes of artistic and aesthetic thinking. Although there is a convergence in human artistic creation with the impact of globalization and industrial informatization today, it is also important to preserve one’s own individual characteristics in culture. To conduct art aesthetic activities in the light of the laws of art, it is necessary to observe both the common laws among art forms and the individual laws of art forms within different cultural thinking systems. The earlier construction of art aesthetic discourse system in the West does not mean that the Western art aesthetic discourse should be used in an exclusive and complete manner in our endeavor to examine the cultural and artistic expressions in Chinese cultural thinking mode, or even to the extent of influencing Chinese artistic creation. The unique artistic aesthetic expressions in Chinese cultural thinking mode should be examined from the laws and rules of art themselves, instead of applying the Western artistic aesthetic discourse system to conduct research activities, and it is worth trying and discussing how to construct a sound Chinese cultural artistic aesthetic discourse system by taking into full consideration the commonality and individuality of aesthetics.

Key words: art, aesthetic, art studies, spirituality, discourse system