SHANGHAI VISION ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 1-5.

• Chinese Narrative in Design • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Allopatric Adaptive Reuse and Secondary Narration Of Huizhou Ancient Dwellings

WANG Hongjiang   

  • Online:2023-01-20 Published:2023-09-12


As a cultural phenomenon, the relocation of Huizhou ancient dwellings is caused by a number of reasons. While vigorously advocating the restoration of the original site to protect the nostalgic culture, we should also see the new cultural value of the ancient residential houses that have been moved out. This paper focuses on the re-erected process of Huizhou ancient dwellings community in Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts which School of Design has participated in, and discusses the process of adaptive reuse and local value of the secondary narrative. This value is reflected not only in the new spatial experience of ancient dwellings reconstructed by the double narrative semantics, but also in the external communication of the local architectural culture under the background of globalization.

Key words: Huizhou ancient dwellings, allopatric adaptive reuse, secondary narrative